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Aviation insurance In Egypt

20 March 2023

If you travel a lot on airplanes, can work in aviation, or own an airplane, aviation insurance is of course your top concern at the moment.

In the world of aviation, you find yourself in front of a list of options available according to your requirements and desires, all insurance companies offer a flight insurance policy to cover the needs of aircraft owners, where each specific type of insurance provides a specific need for the other party and specific coverage in some way, so we find that the multiplicity of options of the aviation insurance policy is a foregone conclusion.

Airline owners may imagine that they are signing an insurance policy that covers their full needs, only to be surprised once on their flight that this insurance coverage does not cover the type they need at the moment or this type of accident, so you must know the full details of the policy and make sure that it covers the needs of the insured.

Talking to insurance agents before choosing the type of policy that suits you will help you identify the advantages of each type, distinguish between different types, and answer any questions that may be possible.

What is Aircraft Insurance In Egypt?

Aviation insurance is a type of insurance policy that aims to protect the property of aircraft and cover liability for any malfunction that occurs in it.

Airlines aim to purchase an aviation insurance policy for a number of different aircraft types, including standard, experimental and vintage aircraft, as well as seaplanes.

While an aviation insurance policy usually covers aircraft repairs or replacement of damaged or all parts of aircraft, aviation accident insurance is a type of liability claim for accident injury or loss of life.

Key points of the aviation insurance policy In Egypt

  • Aviation insurance covers repairs of damaged aircraft or other flying machinery.

  • Coverage may also include damage to the aircraft while at airports, airspace, and other related ground property.

  • In addition to the aviation insurance policy, most pilots or airlines will also have some type of insurance that covers aviation accidents to cover injury or death.

What is an Aviation insurance policy In Egypt?

Just as ship and car owners need to obtain an owner's insurance policy to protect against damage to their property, so aircraft owners can protect their property from damage.

Aviation insurance is essential because claims or claims arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of aircraft are generally excluded under standard general commercial liability (CGL) models.

The importance of the aviation insurance policy is that it is considered the first defender of material loss suffered by airlines in cases of accidents, loss or destruction of property for any reason.

Third-party aircraft liability coverage is often provided, which also includes hull (physical damage) coverage and medical payment cover.

In aviation insurance policies, aircraft policies vary widely as they are not uniform, and all insurance companies try to offer policies that combine aircraft liability and structure with other aviation coverages such as:

Responsibility for aircraft products.

Airport responsibility.

Public responsibility on land "while parked the aircraft".

The responsibility of hangar keepers.

In addition to the above coverages, the aviation insurance policy may also provide coverage for passengers' personal items, as well as reimburse the company for the location of the aircraft where the aircraft is stored.

In some other policies, insurance policies may provide for coverage of injuries sustained during the operation of the aircraft, as well as the cost of emergency landings, as well as costs associated with search and rescue operations.

What are the different types of aviation insurance policy In Egypt?

We also mentioned that the needs may be different between aircraft owners and airlines, so there are many types of aviation insurance policies, which are as follows:

  • Onboard Insurance

It is a type of aviation insurance policy that covers the aircraft from the damage caused to it during its flight, as other insurance policies do not necessarily cover any damages that occur during the flight of the aircraft, so it is very important to understand the needs of airlines and aircraft owners What the insurance policy covers and what it does not include in order to determine whether this policy suits the person or not, and it is usually the most expensive type of aviation insurance policy because most accidents occur in the period which it covers.

  • Ground Hazard Insurance (while the aircraft is parked)

This type of insurance covers damage to the aircraft while it is on the ground but not while it is flying, and this may also include protecting it from damage caused by accidents, natural disasters, and uninsured aircraft, all of which occur if the aircraft is parked on the ground and not while it is moving.

Some examples of possible causes of damage covered by immobile ground risk insurance are:

Damage to uninsured vehicles or aircraft while parking aircraft.

  • Ground Risk Insurance (On Move)

This type of insurance is similar to insuring aircraft while they are stationary, except that it covers damage to the aircraft while the aircraft is on the ground and in motion, as this usually includes damage to it also during takeoff.

  • Public Liability Insurance

The law usually imposes this type of coverage in many places, as it provides insurance for damage to the property of the third party "i.e. the passengers of the aircraft" as most places require proof indicating your ability to pay compensation for damages that may occur during the flight of the aircraft, but this type of aviation insurance policy does not cover damage to the aircraft or to the passengers in the aircraft.

  • Passenger Liability Insurance

This type of coverage can also be imposed for certain types of pilots and aircraft and provides insurance for any passengers boarding the aircraft while the policyholder is operating it, and passenger liability insurance provides material coverage against injuries and final expenses in the event of death.

In our article now, we explained to you all the details about aviation insurance policy, their types, and if it is useful to you as an owner or company owner, so if you have any other questions about aviation insurance, you can contact us immediately and the customer service team will respond to all your inquiries as soon as possible.