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Marine cargo insurance

31 August 2022

In the huge oceanic world where ships cross the rough seas and cargo moves long distances, the role of marine insurance cannot be overemphasized. Given that marine insurance forms the backbone of global trade and commerce, it is an important instrument for protecting against and reducing uncertainties that nature and accidents may throw in the way of business. 

Marine insurance is applicable for various types of market actors engaged in maritime business, including shipowners, cargo owners, freight forwarders, and logistics companies. Here's a closer look at why marine insurance is indispensable in today's interconnected and dynamic maritime industry: 


  1. Risk Mitigation: The shipping business, just like any other, adopts diverse types of risk – from ship damage and perishable cargoes to piracy and natural disasters. Maritime insurance is the most wide-ranging coverage against such calamities, and it means the payment of damages and comfort of financial matters and minds for all parties involved in the chain of logistics. 


  1. Financial Security: The ship owners’ vessels. Vessels are a worthwhile capital asset that they use for operations. This type of insurance is critical as maritime investments are protected via payment of hull damage, machinery breakdown, and other perils related to marine activities hence & the small business continuity element. 



  1. Cargo Protection: On the other hand, the shippers usually take marine insurance to ensure the goods are safe at the time of the voyage. Whether it is fresh or perishable goods, raw materials, or high-value merchandise cargo insurance covers damage, theft, and loss risks guaranteeing that shipments reach their destinations safely and on time. 


  1. Compliance Requirements: In numerous international trade agreements and onboard vessel freight documents, the presence of marine insurance is required. Compliance with insurance obligations while shipping cargo may not only contribute to easy movements of goods but also form the foundation of trust-based commerce, which translates into solid business partnerships and good reputations. 



  1. Global Trade Facilitation: In leading global trade, maritime transportation plays a significant role, as 90% of commodity trade is by sea. Marine cover is critical to the bedrock of this integrated system since it assures risk transfer, flows of trade, and growth opportunities for enterprises across borders. 


  1. Legal Protection: In the case of both maritime accidents and disputes, marine insurance provides legal protection and financial help, enabling the claims and liabilities to be handled efficiently. Salvage operations, pollution cleanup, and third-party damages are the major coverages of insurance that help protect companies legally and also ensure their compliance with international maritime laws and regulations. 


  1. Risk Diversification: Marine insurance contributes to hedging marine-related risks by selling such risks to insurers. Through the process of diversifying their risks broadly across a wide pool of policyholders, marine insurers can efficiently manage their underwriting portfolio and offer tailored premiums to their clients that are affordable. 

Marine insurance conditions 


Brokerage describes the terms and conditions of marine insurance policies which are the criteria for defining the parameters of coverage and the parties' obligations. These conditions typically include: 


  • Voyage Details: The coverage of the agreements is specified in the policies of insurance companies which mention the routes or voyages protected under the agreement. Those slightest deviations from the opposing routes would likely have an impact into the coverage provided. 


  • Insurable Interest: The term “insurable interest” describes the monetary risk the policyholder has on the insured cargo or vessel. It guarantees that only parties who have a legal right to benefit from the insurance coverage can take this benefit. 


  • Perils Covered: Marine insurance policies spell out precisely the perils or risks for which cover is granted. Likewise, the dangers regularly reminded all of them are sinking, collision, fire, theft, piracy and damage caused by storms or earthquakes. 


  • Exclusions:Marine insurance could offer such a wide cover as marine war risks are often not included in the coverage. The limitations may involve insurance exclusions, such as war risks, inherent vice, wear and tear, delay, and/or losses due to illegal acts. 


  • Deductibles and Limits: Policies usually specify the amount called deductibles, which is the amount that the insured plows in before the insurance starts to cover. Furthermore, there are cap limits set on the maximum amount for a cover loss. 


  • Claims Procedures: That is to say, claim procedures are well outlined, should a loss occur or damage occur. Disclosure of events and submission of appropriate documentation on time is the first step of the claims process which usually comes with certain terms and conditions. 


  • Subrogation Rights: In the instance of an insured loss, the insurance carrier may as well exercise its right of subrogation and utilize it to obtain the costs back from the third parties, who caused the damage.


What does marine insurance cover? 


Nowadays, when our world is like a global village, cross-border shipping is just a part of everyday business for many companies. The thing, though, is that along with global trade comes the risks that are indelible. The safety of your cargo can be compromised by both unpredictable weather and unforeseen accidents which are the few among many factors that can occur during the transportation process. Here's a comprehensive look at what marine insurance typically covers: 


Loss or Damage: Marine insurance is intended to cover the risk of losses and damages of the goods while in transit. It may be due to the causes of natural disasters, such as storms or earthquakes, or man-made incidents including collisions or theft, and this insurance gives an assurance that the monetary value of the goods will be taken care of in case of a mishap. 


General Average and Salvage Charges: In those cases of exit when the ship is in impending danger, and in which sacrifices are made to save the vessel and cargoes the general average applies. Marine insurance covers the section of total loss that is borne by all the human parties involved in the maritime adventure. The latter also covers salvage charges borne in order to save the cargo or vessel. 


Freight Charges: The carrier may be liable notwithstanding the goods are damaged or lost during the transportation. Marine insurance can be reimbursable for such costs and thus, alleviate the financial burden on the insured party. 


Delay in Delivery: Occasionally, unexpected happenings can be the cause of the goods taking longer to arrive which in turn means financial losses for the consignee. In case of notable delays in marine transits, insurance policies generally provide coverage that addresses the increased expenses attributed to the delivery being late. 


Customs Duty: If for any reason goods are damaged or lost while in transit, the businesses are still obliged to pay a customs duty fee. Marine insurance can be written to cover such expenses, thereby taking off the financial burden that may befall the insured. 


Liability Coverage: A marine insurance policy likewise covers liabilities arising from third party claims due to the transport of goods. 




Marine insurance procedures in Egypt 


Among the plethora of marine insurance modes, marine cargo insurance is the most important for customs clearance importers, freight forwarders, exporters, and shipping companies during the shipping of goods by sea. Insurance of this sort is aimed at the payment of damage or losses to the cargo that occurs during transportation with financial protection provided against unpredictable events which can cause financial losses. 


Marine cargo insurance in Egypt is regulated by the regulations laid out by the Egyptian Insurance Supervisory Authority (EISA), which is the body that governs the licensing, operation, and compliance of insurance companies that offer marine cargo insurance services Brokers are a valuable asset for acquiring marine cargo insurance policies, as they have the know-how to bargain best rates and decent cover for the insured. 

In Egypt, marine insurance is governed by particular regulations that help in impartiality and proper conduct of the involved participants. These conditions may include:

Insurable Interest: An individual must have records of the subject matter insured, such as the ownership or a financial stake in the cargo or vessel.

Utmost Good Faith: The insurer and insured, in their turn, promise to live by the principles of utmost good faith. Thus, both parties are under an obligation to disclose all the relevant and material facts dealing with the insurance contract concerned.

Warranties and Conditions: Policies may be complete with warranties and restrictions that require the insured to observe strict compliance with the policies stated to be in effect.

Claims Handling: Root processes of the claims filing and processing procedures, including multiple forms of documents and time limits are described in the insurance policy. Adherence to these guidelines must be full. 

Advantages of marine insurance 

Navigating the depths of the ocean, which is stormy and unpredictable by nature, carries many dangers to maritime cargo vessels, such as storms and piracy. In such a climate marine insurance becomes a crucial safeguard as it not only runs as a protection but also gives peace of mind to the businesses that are involved in international trade. Here are some key advantages of marine insurance: 

Risk Mitigation: Marine insurance provides a broad risk cover of all the risk associated with sea freight transportation. Whether it's weather-related damage, accidental damage during loading and unloading or theft, marine insurance guarantees financial protection, enabling businesses to return to a previous financial position when they suffer unexpected losses. 

Compliance with Marine Insurance Conditions: International trade feature marine contracts with certain terms agreed on marine insurance. The brokerage insurance company of our firm makes it a priority to align our clients’ policies with these conditions, thus avoiding disputes and making the transactions run smoothly. 

Coverage Flexibility: Marine exposures can be customized to reflect specifics of different enterprises and cargo categories. There are different coverage options tailored to different kinds of cargo. For example, perishable goods might need special transport at controlled temperature and high-dollar goods might need additional security measures. 

Financial Security: For the firms that are involved in importing or exporting goods, the problems in the supply chain cause financial consequences. Marine cargo insurance gives financial cover to the cost of cargo loss or damage, thereby managing potential risks to the businesses. 

Global Reach: In the light of world trade globalization companies send their goods across the long distance across international waters. Marine insurance provides worldwide coverage and thus always covers your cargo regardless of the destination and maritime route. 

Risk Management Expertise: As a brokerage insurance company focusing on marine insurance, our huge experience in underwriting and managing maritime risks is no secret.