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Medical malpractice insurance

9 October 2022

Medical malpractice insurance is one of the types of insurance policies that cover doctors' mistakes or acts resulting from omissions. this insurance protects doctors and other healthcare professionals against any lawsuits claiming that their acts of negligence or omissions threaten patients' life.

Who can get medical malpractice insurance?

All medical workers are eligible for medical malpractice insurance, the most important of which are:

  • Doctors in general, especially surgeons, gynecologists, obstetricians, and anesthesiologists.

  • The dentists.

  • Optometrist.

  • Pharmacists.

  • Nurses and technicians.

  • Paramedics and technicians.

What are the Key Takeaways points of medical malpractice insurance?

  • Medical malpractice insurance protects healthcare personnel from calls accusing them of harmful acts.

  • Most medical malpractice insurance policies are claims-based, that is, they give doctors the financial coverage required of them during the validity period of the policy.

  • When considering choosing an insurance policy against professional errors, you should know the exceptions, coverage limits, and their suitability for the insured's profession.

  • Claims submitted after the expiration of the insurance policy are not covered.

  • Claims arising from acts committed before the date of the insurance policy are not covered, that is, acts committed retrospectively are not covered.

  • The insurance policy covers claims arising from acts committed during the policy period regardless of when the lawsuit was filed, claims filed several years after the policy's expiration may be covered as long as they are caused by acts committed during the validity of the policy.

Why do you need medical malpractice insurance?

Medicine is a noble and ethical profession of the first degree and sacred science, where it is imperative for the doctor to provide maximum care to the patient and do everything necessary to treat him and make the greatest effort to protect his life, however; this does not prevent doctors from being a human prone to making mistakes, and therefore medical malpractice insurance serves as a protection and self-defense document in case of making any professional mistakes.

According to the latest research published by the American Medical Association, there are:

  • 34% of doctors have been prosecutedat some point in their careers.

  • 64% of obstetrician-gynecologists have undergone lawsuits.

  • 16% of psychiatrists have also been prosecuted.

What parts are covered in medical malpractice insurance?

Medical malpractice insurance covers errors or omissions that fall under any physical, mental, or pathological injuries or deaths caused by any kind of negligence or omission.

What exceptions are included in malpractice insurance?

As it is currently in the medical insurance policies, there are some exceptions that are not covered by the doctors ' insurance policy as a result of malpractice, in the following list we give you some exclusions that you should be aware of:

  • Drug or alcohol-induced behaviors.

  • Sexual harassment and misconduct.

  • Acts are illegally-performed like theft.

  • Patient miscarriage leading to marked injuries.

  • Claims arising from any business facility owned or operated by you, whose name is not listed under your medical insurance policy (such as a clinic or nursing home).

  • Claims arise from certain types of procedures (e.g. administration of general anesthesia).

  • Dishonestly revealing patients' medical records.

What are the benefits of medical malpractice insurance?

  • Medical malpractice insurance protects you, your job, and your business from catastrophic losses that can occur in the event of any lawsuit accusing you of malpractice.

  • Recently one survey indicated that up to 34% of doctors were prosecuted as a result of professional errors at some point in their careers..

  • This does not mean that skill can protect you from making mistakes; even highly skilled practitioners may make some mistakes or make mistakes at the stage of diagnosing the disease, which makes professional error insurance a must.

  • Provides protection from the financial consequences of medical professional errors, negligent acts, etc.

  • Compensation to the insured for the cost incurred by him for the defense of the law.We offer specialized medical malpractice insurance for individual practitioners working in the medical sector, giving you a high-quality, reasonably priced option for your medical indemnity needs we also provide you with all the information you might need to know about the future of medical insurance & medical insurance exclusions