* Any stage (CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia)
* Any pre-cancerous tumor
* Any non-invasive cancer (carcinoma in situ)
* Prostate cancer stage (1C, 1B, T1a) 1
* Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma
* Malignant melanoma stage (IA) (T1a N0 M0).
*Any malignant tumors in the presence of any HIV virus
Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
ST myocardial infarction without segment elevation*
T1 & Troponin with elevation only (NSTEMI) with myocardial infarction
Other acute coronary syndromes (eg, unstable angina)
* TIA Transient ischemic attacks
* Brain injury resulting from an accident
* Neurological symptoms due to migraine
*Stroke syndrome does not show any neurological deficit
Coronary Artery
*Coronary artery bypass grafting operations (angioplasty).
*Any intra-arterial operations, (such as stents)
* This disease excludes catheterization or any other procedures inside the arteries
Kidney Failure
End stage renal disease presented as chronic irreversible failure of both kidneys to function, as a result of
which either regular renal dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) is instituted or renal
Liver insufficiency
*Clear diagnosis of severe liver disease
*Total bilirubin levels*
*Albumin levels
*The diagnosis should be confirmed by a consultant gastroenterologist and supported by imaging findings
All cases, services, treatments, injuries, diseases, complications, and disabilities resulting from any other medical conditions that do
Pre - existing cases
Periodic examination in case of a negative result